Announcement :
« The RAIC is seeking volunteers for several national standing committees. Get involved and directly impact the profession, lend your skills and learn new ones, expand your network and advance your career. Apply today for the volunteer positions that suit you best. Email a short statement (250 words maximum) and your resumé to the committee contact below.
Syllabus National Advisory Council
The RAIC Syllabus Program is the alternate pathway to architectural licensure in Canada. The Syllabus National Advisory Committee (SNAC) provides guidance and oversight concerning the operation of the Syllabus Program and its RAIC Syllabus Professional Diploma in Architecture on behalf of the RAIC Board of Directors.
The SNAC is an eight-member panel that:
- Ensures the Syllabus Program is grounded in the profession;
- Ensures work-study is the foundation of the program;
- Supports the RAIC’s operational role of the program;
The RAIC is currently seeking four licensed architects, one of whom is a Syllabus graduate, to support the committee’s mandate. The committee work is conducted through email and teleconference, with a single annual meeting at the RAIC Festival of Architecture. Activities of committee members include the following: support strategic planning, participate in Syllabus task groups, assess program documents, adjudicate student appeals, ratify policies and procedures, and promote the Syllabus program.
RAIC members with a combined interest in architectural education and learning in practice are encouraged to apply.
Please contact Don Ardiel (
Practice Support Committee
Practice support is vital to the profession. By volunteering four to five hours a month on the Practice Support Committee you;
- Direct, develop, and recommend practice tools and services for the betterment of the profession;
- Contribute to professional development and continuing education activities;
- Provide practice advice to architects across Canada.
Contact Don Ardiel (
Awards Committee
The purpose of the Awards Committee is to shepherd the implementation of Canada’s only large-scale national awards program for architecture. The program celebrates excellence in the built environment by showcasing outstanding achievements in a wide range of categories.
The members of the Awards Committee commit approximately 20 hours per year to the ongoing evaluation of existing terms of reference, development of any new award criteria or process enhancements for the board’s consideration.
The committee is seeking RAIC members who have specific interest and professional expertise in the area of Honours and Awards.
Contact Chantal Charbonneau (
EP Steering committee
The mission of RAIC EP is to connect and strengthen the voice of emerging practitioners across Canada to serve, inspire and advocate for their continued professional growth on the path to licensure.
RAIC EP serves as a link and provides a sense of continuity in the professional development of emerging practitioners from students in an academic setting through to becoming licensed members of the architectural profession.
The RAIC EP steering committee guides the work of the RAIC EP, with the RAIC Intern Director, in coordination with RAIC staff. The committee meets once a month via teleconference.
Contact Amanda Delorey (
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